Despre EGV
Cu o experiență de nouă ani în domeniu și peste 400 de proiecte de recrutare desfășurate pentru spitale din nouă țări europene, Vlad Sarca, reprezentantul unei companii de recrutări, face o analiză a pieței de profil din ultimii ani.
Care sunt specializările cele mai căutate de angajatorii străini?
Psihiatrie, ATI, Cardiologie si alte ramuri din cadrul medicinei interne.
Care este relația dintre un recrutor și un medic care intenționează să plece?
Noi avem rolul de a-i insoti pe candidati de-a lungul drumului pe care il au de parcurs si sa ne asiguram ca totul decurge cat mai simplu pentru ei deoarece este destul de complicat sa te muti in alta tara si sa muncesti intr-un sistem medical diferit.
Este important sa ii ajutam sa isi intocmeasca corect actele de care au nevoie si ii pregatim pentru ceea ce ii asteapta, iar dupa ce incep munca ii mai contactam sa vedem cum s-au acomodat la noul loc de munca.
Care sunt țările în care au preferat să plece medicii din România anul trecut?
In general prefera Uk, Germania, Franta insa si tarile Scandinave.
Cum a fost anul 2015 din perspectiva recrutării de medici pentru străinătate pentru compania pe care o reprezinți?
Anul 2015 a fost asemanator cu anii anteriori si nu pot sa spun ca s-a remarcat in mod deosebit cu ceva.
S-a schimbat în vreun fel profilul medicului care renunță la sistemul românesc de sănătate pentru a munci în străinătate?
Nu. Este acelasi profil precum era si in anii trecuti.
Cât de mult durează în general din momentul în care primești o ofertă de la o clinică și până reușiți să găsiți medicul potrivit?
In general putem spune ca dureaza in jur de 2-3 luni, insa putem avea surpriza sa dureze si mai putin.
Este vreun aspect de care, de obicei, când este abordat acest subiect, nu este amintit?
Cei care doresc sa plece in strainatate trebuie sa se consulte cu un profesionist pentru a intelege foarte bine ce se asteapta de la ei in momentul in care doresc sa faca aceasta schimbare.
Unele specialitati medicale nu sunt recunoscute automat(ex Medicina de laborator, Neonatologie) iar in cazul altora au sarcini suplimentare fata de Romania, cum ar fi, de exemplu, ca medicii rezidenti trebuie sa ia sange pacientilor in Germania in multe clinici, insa nu in toate.
Cum credeți că va fi 2016 din acest punct de vedere?
Avand in vedere ca interesul medicilor s-a cristalizat in ultimii 9 ani, nu ma astept la modificari din acest punct de vedere in 2016.
Ați avut și cazuri de medici care au revenit în țară? De ce?
Da. Fie au vrut sa invete mai mult in timpul rezidentiatului, si in astfel de cazuri au fost medici care au lucrat si in mai multe tari in decursul rezidentiatului, fie au avut motive ce tin de viata de familie, preferand sa ramana in Romania sau alte tari cu familia lor, iar altii pur si simplu nu s-au acomodat.
Cât de multă plus valoare aduce revenirea unui medic din afară în sistemul românesc?
Cred ca acei rezidenti care se intorc si devin specialisti, aduc o foarte mare plus valoare pentru ca vor deveni liderii de maine care in timp vor pune umarul la schimbarea mentalitatii din sistem.
Credeți că schimbarea de mentalitate în sistemul actual se poate realiza și în acest mod?
Da, definitiv. Odata cu schimbarea generatiilor se schimba si mentalitatea si sistemul se improspateaza.De asemenea s-au facut si investitii in sistemul sanitar in ultimii ani si medicii lucreaza tot mai mult cu ultimele tehnologii in centrele mari, insa ca sa ajungem la nivelul tarilor dezvoltate sunt necesare si mai multe investitii pentru ca medicii sunt capabili si isi doresc sa evolueze.
EGV Recruiting - Interview for Digi 24 Cluj Napoca (Recrutat)
EGV Recruiting interview for Digi24
Long lines in front of the stands at the medical job fair in Croatia
Thousands of medical specialists consider the jobs offered abroad by the recruiting agencies in Ireland, Austria Germany etc.
The medical job fair was organized at the same date with the medical strikes, thus more than 500 medical professionals , mainly doctors, from Zagreb, and 500 from other parts of Croatia have signed up for jobs abroad.
The lines in front of the job fair stands were long. At any moment, about twenty people were standing in line, some were talking, others kept to themselves, but everyone, as soon as they started chatting with the recruiting agencies fired the same question: What is the salary?
Salaries VS the cost of living:
The medical job fair was organized at the same date with the medical strikes, thus more than 500 medical professionals , mainly doctors, from Zagreb, and 500 from other parts of Croatia have signed up for jobs abroad
The principle is simple: recruiting agencies represent job vacancies and organize interviews with employers, mostly in Germany, Austria, Great Britain and Ireland. Organizers say, about 30% of the job applicants are going to work abroad.
"Fresh graduates and young specialists or residents are the most common applicants”. – tells us Kinga Buda (HR consultant at EGV Recruiting)
"Yes, I am interested in working abroad”, states a surgeon from a renowned hospital. ,,I don’t know where to have a fresh start but its clear that I had enough with not having decent equipment in order to work.” He also met a lot of his colleagues at the job fair.
The facts are simple. The financial bourdon is just too much to take after 6 years of medical school and 4 years minimum of specialization to still not have a clear future its just too much.
The situation can even break families apart. “Because of being in debt one of us must consider Germany while the other is interested in Ireland” states the family of doctors while their baby gently sleeps in the stroler.
“Well, Ireland aint that good, salaries for beginners are about 3000 euros/ month, but the cost of living is high. On the other hand Germany offers about 60000 euros per year, but the taxes are also quite high.
Licences are not an impediment!
The medical profession is one of the most mobile professions in the world. From Eastern-Europe to the Western-Europe; from the West Europe to the U.S and Australia, the global lack of doctors causes high demand for medical professionals. The world population is aging and the doctors are aging as well: in our country their average age is over 49 years. Medical training lasts long and it is expensive, for students and for the country. In our country to train a doctor the State pays about 40.000 euros. As for the doctors in the EU, Croatians will not be bothered with work permits even in countries where there are still some limitations to work. Employers organize and pay for language courses. Everywhere specialists are needed, especially radiologists, emergency medicine physicians, psychiatrists and anesthesiologists. - Oh, every doctor is needed - says Kinga Buda (HR Consultant EGV Recruiting).
Source of the article here:
Impressions from the Medical Jobfair in Zagreb
First impressions from the Medical Jobfair in Zagreb Croatia as shown in the newsreel. Check out below a translation of this story!
At these stands, to healthcare professionals are being offered dream jobs.
Vlad EGV Recruiting:
We offer jobs all over Europe and the Middle East . The most interesting example is the Swiss offer for family physicians whose salary is 10000 euros a month.
Reporter :
The difference compared with Croatian salary is ?
Jobseeker 1:
Exceedingly large.
Jobseeker 2:
Probably yes.
Jobseeker 3:
I guess it's better abroad than in Croatia.
To work in Switzerland the foreign language should not be an barrier.
Silva :
Many of the companies that are present today offer language courses in Barcelona and Budapest. They make it easier for the whole family to move abroad and offer as well help during moving.
Medical student, Katarina, is interested in working abroad , mostly in scandinavian countries.
Jobseeker 1:
Primarily because the conditions are such that we do not know whether we will get a specialization right after finishing college.
A large part of her colleagues have a similar opinion.
Jobseeker 2:
I am interested in internship, if nothing else , maybe specialization or something else , so we'll see .
Jobseeker 3:
For me the most ideal is Germany...
... where doctors are offered very attractive salaries.
Dr. Minigo:
Somewhere around 3,500 euros which is not attractive for the German doctors.
But for our doctors it is, so some are already packing the suitcase.
Dr. Minigo:
One hundred medical doctors asked for documents which are needed for working in the European Union.
Croatia has a lack of doctors, in whose education Croatia invests a lot.
Dr Luetic:
It costs Croatia between 40.000 to 90.000 euros to educate a physician. This process takes between 7 and 15 years. So , we are talking about an very expensive and time consuming process. And now we testify a sad fact that these experts are being supplied to other countries as a finished product .
And such doctors could be more. That could certainly degrade the quality of healthcare and the rights of patients.
High paying jobs for doctors
Interview with MSF and EGV Recruiting for Transilvanialive at the medical job fair in Cluj-Napoca, Nov 2012.
Young Romanian doctors choosing medical careers abroad
Interview with EGV Recruiting for ProTV News at the medical job fair in Cluj-Napoca
Interview with EGV Recruiting at the Job Fair in Latvia
Interview with EGV Recruiting for Observator News Antena1
Interview with EGV Recruiting at the medical job fair in Bucharest
Young doctors can apply for positions abroad at specialized medical job-fairs such as MedPharm Careers, a fair specialized in medical recruitment.
“We offer positions for resident doctors in Germany and for specialist doctors in Germany, Austria, France, Scandinavian countries, the Middle East and Switzerland, where the most interesting offer is for general practitioners earning over 10.000 euros /month. We help with the formalities regarding obtaining the Free practice right in the countries we recruit for.” States Vlad Sarca HR Consultant
Interview with EGV Recruiting for National 24 Plus TV
Inteview for Realitatea TV
Interview for Prima TV
Interview for Digi 24 TV