Hot Jobs
67890 | Neurologie | Medic specialist | OCCUPIED | Danemarca | |
56789 | Psihiatrie | Medic specialist | OCCUPIED | Danemarca | |
45678 | Chirurgie Generala | Medic specialist | OCCUPIED | Danemarca | |
34567 | Psihiatrie | Medic specialist | OCCUPIED | Danemarca | |
23456 | Medicina de urgenţă | Medic specialist | Danemarca | ||
12345 | Psihiatrie pediatrică | Medic specialist | OCCUPIED | Danemarca | |
1370316 | Psihiatrie pediatrică | Medic specialist | Germania | ||
1380316 | Gastroenterologie | Medic primar | Germania | ||
1390316 | Ortopedie si traumatologie | Medic primar | Germania | ||
1360316 | Reumatologie | Medic specialist | OCCUPIED | Danemarca | |
1320316 | Anestezie | Medic specialist | Franta | ||
1330316 | Radiologie | Medic specialist | Franta | ||
1340316 | Cardiologie | Medic primar | Germania | ||
1350316 | Gastroenterologie | Medic primar | UNAVAILABLE | Germania | |
1280316 | Neurologie | Medic primar | Germania |
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