
Állás lehetőségek orvosoknak Sachsen-Anhalt - Németországba

Állás lehetőségek orvosoknak Sachsen-Anhalt - Németországba

Orvos Rezidens Szakorvos Főorvos
Általános orvostan 0 0 0
Belgyógyászat 0 0 0
Tüdőgyógyászat 0 0 0
Kardiológia 0 0 0
Gasztroenterológia 0 0 0
Endokrinológia 0 0 0
Reumatológia 0 0 0
Angiológia 0 0 0
Nefrológia 0 0 0
Haematológia 0 0 0
Onkológia 0 0 0
Geriátria 0 0 0
Neurológia 0 0 0
Bőrgyógyászat 0 0 0
Csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyászat 0 0 0
Pszichiátria 0 0 0
Fizioterápia 0 0 0
Aneszteziológia és intenzív terápia 0 0 0
Sebészet 0 0 0
Érsebészet 0 0 0
Szívsebészet 0 0 0
Mellkassebészet 0 0 0
Gyermeksebészet 0 0 0
Ortopédia 0 0 0
Idegsebészet 0 0 0
Szemészet 0 0 0
Szülészet-nőgyógyászat 0 0 0
Fül-orr-gégegyógyászat 0 0 0
Urológia 0 0 0
Radiológia 0 0 0
Sugárterápia 0 0 0
Patológia 0 0 0
Sürgősségi orvostan 0 0 0
Foglalkozás-orvostan 0 0 0
Gyermek-és ifjúságpszichiátria 0 0 0
Fogászat 0 0 0
RMO 0 0 0
Pszichoszomatikus orvoslás 0 0 0
Nukleáris medicina

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Sachsen-Anhalt - Németországba

Interested in learning more about Sachsen-Anhalt? Click below to read the description and find out more about:


Geography and Cities:

Sachsen-Anhalt is a landlocked state of Germany, having borders with the state of Niedersachsen, Brandenburg, Sachsen and Thüringen. By size, it is the 8th largest state in Germany, and by population the 10th largest. Its capital is Magdeburg. 


Hundertwasserhaus Magdeburg

In the north, the Sachsen-Anhalt landscape is dominated by the North German Plain. The old Hanseatic towns Salzwedel, Gardelegen, Stendal and Tagermünde are located in the sparsely populated Altmark. 




The Colbitz-Letzlingen Heath and the Drömling near near Wolfsburg mark the transition between the Altmark region and the Elbe-Börde-Heath region with its fertile, sparsely wooded Magdeburg Börde. Notable towns in the Magdeburg Börde are Haldensleben, Oschersleben, Wanzleben, Schönebeck, Aschersleben and the state capital city Magdeburg.


Oschersleben, Wanzleben


The Harz Mountains are located in the south-west, comprising the Harz National Park, the Harz foreland and the Mansfeld Land. The highest mountain of the Harz is Brocken, with an elevation of 1,141 meters. In this area, one can find the towns of Halberstadt, Wernigerode, Thale, Eisleben and Quedlinburg.





In the wine-growing area Saale-Unstrut are the towns of Zeitz, Naumburg (Saale), Weißenfels and Freyburg (Unstrut) are located on the rivers Saale and Unstrut in the south of the state.

Schloss Moritzburg Zeitz 


Freyburg (Unstrut)


Sachsen-Anhalt is deeply engrained in European cultural tradition. It was from Magdeburg that Otto I set out into the world. He is regarded as the founder of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Quedlinburg, once his favorite residence, is now a World Heritage Site.
Otto the Great, Quedlinburg
Sachsen-Anhalt is the cradle of the Reformation: it was in Wittenberg in 1517 that Martin Luther mad public his theses against the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church, thereby ushering in the Reformation. In 2017 the world will be celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
Martin Luther, Wittenberg
Two of the leading musicians of the baroque period, George Frideric Handel and Georg Philipp Telemann, were born in Halle and Magdeburg respectively. Like Johann Sebastian Bach, they both lived and worked for many years in the area now known as Saxony-Anhalt. Prestigious music festivals now honor the works of these famous composers, with guests joining us from all over the world.
Georg Frideric Handel, Georg Philipp Telemann, Johann Sebastian Bach 


The Harz Mountains and Brocken peak are steeped in legend, and were a source of fascination even to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Heinrich Heine in their time, prompting them to explore the region. Goethe set many of the scenes in ‘Faust’ in the Harz Mountains, such as the Walpurgis Night celebrations, which are played out on the Brocken. With his ‘Harz Journey’, Heine erected a literary monument to the region. Many footpaths in the Harz are named in honor of the two great German poets, and especially way marked.

Faust and Mephistopheles in the Harz Mountains, Walpurgis Night 


Sachsen-Anhalt was part of the communist German Democratic Republic. After the breakdown of communism and the German reunification in 1990, the collapse of non-competitive former GDR industries temporarily caused severe economic problems. 
However the process of economic transformation towards a modern market economy seems to be completed. Massive investments in modern infrastructure have taken place since 1990, and the remaining and newly created businesses are highly competitive. For example, the industry has doubled its share of international revenue from 13% to 26% in 2008. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate has fallen considerably. By 2010 the GDP of Saxony-Anhalt was almost two and a half times higher than it was in 1991. 
Sachsen-Anhalt did not only follow the national trend, but clearly outperformed other German states. 

The chemical industry is quite important, with almost 25,500 employees across 214 plants in 2010. One of the biggest chemical producing areas can be found around the city of Bitterfeld-Wolfen. Because of the chemical industry, Saxony-Anhalt attracts more foreign direct investments than any other state in eastern Germany.
Sachsen-Anhalt is also famous for its good soil. Hence, the food industry has an important role with almost 19,500 employees across 190 plants in 2010. Some of the best known products are Baumkuchen from Salzwedel and Halloren chocolate globes from Germany’s oldest chocolate factory in Halle. 
Baumkuchen, Halloren chocolate
A must see, tourist attraction in Sachsen-Anhalt is of course its capital city Magdeburg.

One of Magdeburg´s most impressive buildings in the Lutheran Cathedral of Saints Catherine and Maurice with a height of 104 m, making it the highest church building of eastern Germany. It is notable for its beautiful and unique sculptures, especially the ``Twelve Virgins`` at the Northern Gate, the depictions of Otto I the Great and his wife Editha as well as the statues of St Maurice and St Catherine. The predecessor of the cathedral was a church built in 937 within an abbey, called St. Maurice. Emperor Otto I the Great was buried here beside his wife in 973. St. Maurice burnt to ashes in 1207. The exact location of that church remained unknown for a long time. The foundations were rediscovered in May 2003, revealing a building 80m long and 41 m wide. 

The construction of the new church lasted 300 years. The cathedral of Saints Catherine and Maurice was the first Gothic church building in Germany. The building of the steeples was completed as late as 1520.
Magdeburg Cathedral, Saint Maurice, Three wise virgins 
Other sights in Magdeburg include:
  • The Magdeburg Reiter, the first equestrian sculpture north of the alps. It probably depicts the Emperor Otto I. 
  • Town hall (1698). This building had stood on the market place since the 13th century, but it was destroyed in the Thirty Years' War; the new town hall was built in a Renaissance style influenced by Dutch architecture. It was renovated and re-opened in Oct 2005.
  • Rotehorn-Park 
  • Elbauenpark, containing the highest wooden structure in Germany.
  • The Gruson-Gewächshäuser, a botanical garden within a greenhouse complex.