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- 0680515
- Pszichiátria
- Resident
- NRW, Germany
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Resident doctor for psychiatry
The position is available in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous state of Germany, with four of the country’s ten largest cities. The state was formed in 1946 after the merge of the northern Rhineland and Westphalia. The state’s capital is Düsseldorf. The position is located in a city at around 1 hour distance from Düsseldorf and several other big cities.
The hospital in which the position is available is part of a large hospital group whit over 90 facilities in several locations which offer a comprehensive psychiatric treatment system with highly differentiated treatment and care services.
The hospital is a regional psychiatric hospital with several departments and policlinics. The hospital has over 270 beds for inpatient care, over 15 beds for ambulatory care and over 110 beds for addiction treatment and rehabilitation. Over 6.500 patients receive inpatient treatment per year. In the specialist clinics for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics the full range of psychiatric disorders are treated. The psychiatry clinic is divided into the departments of General Psychiatry, Integrative Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, addiction medicine and addiction-rehabilitation. All major psychiatric therapeutic treatment methods including medical, nursing, psychological, social, occupational, physical and creative occupations are used. The treatment concepts range from short term intensive treatments (eg Crisis intervention) over to medium term multidimensional treatments over to long term treatments and rehabilitation.
General Psychiatry
The general psychiatry department treats adults with mental illness in cases in which the need of stationary care exists. In the department of general psychiatry the internal differentiation principal has been consistently implemented. The department has several stations where treatments differ in various therapeutic areas depending on the center of gravity this way all patients receive a modern, comprehensive and targeted therapy. The treatment is divided in three phases: reception, treatment and discharge. In the reception phase the focus is on the diagnosis, and the planning of the treatment. In the treatment phase focus is on the implementation of the whole treatment plan while in the discharge phase the planning of the time after the stay is planned. The therapeutic range is diverse. At each station are held individual talks and group therapies. Motion, occupational and artistic therapies are offered. There is a separate center for “competence integration” which offers aids for professional integration. Social problems are addressed together with the social services. The goal of treatment is not only to overcome the disease, but also to ensure an active coping behavior and adequate and satisfactory social integration.
The department has also stations for the treatment of depressively ill people. The focus of the station is primarily on a solution-oriented approach, making use of individual abilities. Coping strategies are developed and actively used. The approach to the patient is characterized by acceptance, appreciation and authenticity of its employees. The therapeutic staff has specialized expertise, receives ongoing training which guarantee the actuality of knowledge and the promotion of different skills. The therapeutic concepts are based on three main pillars: psychotherapeutic individual meetings, group therapies (both in the form of discussion groups as well as occupational or physical therapy groups) and medication treatment fi necessary. During the treatment the individual issues and stress sources are defined, patient related solution and strategies are developed and ultimately for the dismissal of the patients a sufficiently long-term plan is set up in order to achieve a sustained improvement and stabilization of the condition.
Integrative Psychiatry and psychotherapy
The department provides ambulatory or day care for people in need, this way the patients are able to stay in familiar surroundings while they receive a holistic treatment. In the day care center all mental illnesses except primary addictions are treated. Even very severely affected patients are taken, unless there is an immediate danger of suicide or an organic disease that makes hospitalization necessary. A day clinic treatment always comes into consideration if an outpatient treatment is not enough, but a full in-patient treatment is not necessary.
As a target group, the treatment program is designed for people who require acute psychiatric-psychotherapeutic treatment because of their mental disorder and/or by an over demanding life situation. There are mainly depressions and anxiety disorders treated, but the center also deals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality disorders and psychoses.
From Monday to Friday between 8.00-16.00 o’clock, the patients are treated in the outpatient clinic. In the remaining time they live as usual in their normal environment. This makes them keep their social relations and activities while receiving treatment.
In the Division of Gerontopsychiatry all mental illnesses of old age (> 60 years) are treated with specialized therapies. This is especially true for dementia with need for treatment in connection with disturbances of behavior and experience.
Other emphasis of the department is the treatment of mood disorders, such as Depression and anxiety disorders, disorders of the psychotic circle shape and dependency diseases when they occur in conjunction with mood disorders. Neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, or a seizure disorder, encephalomyelitis disseminata are also treated. The division is one of the largest gerontopsychiatric institutions from Germany. There is therefore an extensive experience in the detection and treatment of all neuropsychiatric-psychotherapeutic diseases of the old age.
The treatment sessions include individual and group sessions, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and many skilled nursing measures and complementary therapies. In addition, modern drug treatments and the electroconvulsive therapy therapy are maintained. On the whole, an integration of modern neuroscience-based, psychotherapeutic oriented and socially psychiatric approach is realized.
Addiction medicine and addiction-rehabilitation
The focal point of the department is the qualified withdrawal of the patients suffering from: alcohol, drug or sleeping pills and tranquilizers. Here, in addition to the medication treatment individual and group discussions, counseling services, information, sports and physical therapy, occupational therapy and other treatment methods are provided. In addition, there is a treatment option for addicts with psychiatric and underlying disease.
The department has six stations for the treatment of people suffering from addiction and each station has its own treatment priorities for different subgroups of addiction. In all stations women and men are treated together.
Station 1. - outpatient treatment center
The outpatient treatment is designed for dependency patients who have stable therapy motivation and a high level of cooperation. They in a broader social context and are be able to live responsibly drug-free in an outpatient framework.
Station 2 - daycare centerThis form of therapy has the advantage that those affected get through the day in the clinic (about 40 hours per week) in order to perceive the different therapeutic offers, during the remaining time can, however, remain in their familiar home environment. This form of therapy is especially suitable for addicts who live in a stable social environment, have undergone a crisis (eg relapse) therapy or patients who have received inpatient treatment and now a partial inpatient treatment is indicated.
Station 3 - Inpatient rehabilitation therapy
For alcohol and drug addicts who want to make a "classic withdrawal therapy" as a relapse treatment and short-term therapy, and also with additional comorbidities anxiety disorders, depression, mental trauma experiences, psychosis or emotional unstable personality disorders.
Station 4
In this station alcohol- and drug-dependent emigrants who come from Poland or Russia and become a resident of Germany are treated. Due to the mostly low German language skills, therapy is mainly carried out in Polish and Russian.
Station 5
For alcohol and drug addicts who have a longer development of addiction behind him, where health problems, social problems or mental disorders have already occurred. Also for for alcohol- and drug-dependent seniors, where the disease has developed in the elderly, who are relapsed after many years of abstinence, or who are already suffering a prolonged period.
Station 6
For drug-addicted men who want to make a "classic withdrawal therapy", but also for drug addicts with additional comorbidities such as anxiety disorders, depression, mental trauma experiences, psychosis or emotional unstable personality disorders.
The hospital offers:
- Full residency training in psychiatry and psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine
- A varied field of activity
- further education funding
- Financial assistance to relocation
- assistance with housing care
- the clinics are KTQ-certified
The form of work required is full time. For the balance between personal and professional life you benefit of 29 days of leave/year.
Ideal candidate:
- Proficient in German C1 level
- Graduate from a Medical School within the European Union + Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Iceland.
Benefits if you choose to collaborate with EGV:
- We will offer access to hundreds of jobs across hospitals and clinics endowed with professional and modern equipment
- We will search for job opportunities according to your profile
- We will pay for your accommodation during the interviews
- We will offer advice when it comes to signing the contract
- We will look for a home and/or kindergarten for your children
- We will handle the Free Practice Right forms so you can start work as soon as possible.
EGV is a leading healthcare recruitment agency operating in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Croatia. We are specialized in tailor made and efficient physician recruitment services.
We focus on identifying the personal and professional aims of each candidate and have the main goal of finding the right job from a wide range of job-offers available. Candidates and clients appreciate our prompt and reliable services.
We would be delighted to show you that we are committed to our motto:
“Professionalism, promptitude and professional development “
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