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- 0690515
- Psihosomatska medicina
- Resident
- Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
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Resident doctor for psychosomatic medicine
The position is available in the German state of Baden Wurttemberg, the third largest German state in both terms of area and population. Baden- Wurttemberg is situated in the southwestern part of the country to the east of the Upper Rhine, and is the third largest in both area a population, with an area of 35742 square kilometers and 10.7 million inhabitants. The state capital is Stuttgart.
Baden-Württemberg shares its borders with France, Switzerland, Rhineland Palatine, Hesse and Bavaria. Most of the major cities of Baden Wurttemberg straddle the banks of the Neckar River.
Major cities in Baden-Württemberg are Baden-Baden, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Pforzheim, Ulm and the capital city Stuttgart. The position is at an hour distance from Stuttgart.
The position is available in an acute hospital with around 500 beds and over 20 clinics. The clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy treats the entire spectrum of psychosomatic disorders.
Psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapy is an exciting and new growing medical speciality with a fast and constant evolution. It offers a new point of view regarding the correlation between physical and (somatic) illness and psychiatric factors that create somatic illnesses without physical substance. An interesting aspect is the fact that a psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapy practitioner has the opportunity to conduct psychiatric evaluations and treatments for mentally healthy individuals without having to interact with common psychiatric patients.
The treatment concept in the department is patient oriented. Each patient receives after the diagnostic evaluation therapeutic services which are put together according to their personal needs. The range of treatments is made up of elements of different therapeutic approaches (eg, psychodynamic, behavioral therapy, systemic - family therapy). The treatment is based on the model of multimodal psychotherapeutic high-dose therapy and includes medical - psychological individual and group psychotherapy, as well as music, art and movement therapy more specific therapies can be integrated into the treatment plan.
The indication for inpatient psychotherapeutic hospital treatment is then asked if psychogenic problems which cannot be adequately treated on an outpatient basis occur. The complaints may be the physical expression of stress and / or psychological conflicts and their internal processing. Frequently the psychosomatic background of complaints is not readily apparent; a physical finding that could explain it was not found, despite many and sometimes repeated investigations. In the Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, there are special treatment programs for patients with:
- Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia, severe obesity)
- somatoform ("functional") disorders with an emphasis in the field of internal medicine Psychosomatics
- Chronic pain disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- depressive disorders
- dissociative disorders
- mentally induced physical illnesses
The range of therapeutic methods includes:
- Coping with anxiety group therapy
- biofeedback
- depression group therapy
- enjoyment training
- music Therapy
- Art Therapy
- Body psychotherapy and movement therapy
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation
- Psycho-oncology
- pain group
- Social skills training
- Sport and exercise therapy
Coping with anxiety group therapy
For patients with anxiety disorders the coping with anxiety group takes place during the week. Here, patients receive information on the ordinary reasonable fear on the one hand and the different types of anxiety disorders on the other side. The typical fear circuit, consisting of thoughts and feelings, bodily reactions and behavior will be discussed on the basis of individual symptoms of the participants. Moreover, there is information about stress, inner tension and anxiety symptoms and stress management, relaxation and mindfulness. In exchanges with other stakeholders and therapeutic guidance, patients develop individual strategies for dealing with change in the fear and the concomitant body reactions.
Biofeedback is a treatment method with the aim of accurately measuring physiological parameters (eg muscle tension, body temperature, respiration, skin conductance) and the feedback of information to the patient and therapist. For the therapy a training element is set per session, a certain muscle area, eg forehead or neck is set. The training of the selected muscle is computer-assisted by means of suitable image, video and color templates.
The therapy offers includes a variety of music shaded relaxation exercises and feedback forms that show how successful the strategies learned are. The key advantage of the biofeedback method is the pictorial demonstration of the psychophysiological relationships.
The stress testing provides evidence that body system increasingly responds to stress. The recorded psychophysiological stress profile demonstrates how to respond in different rest and stress conditions.
Depression group therapy
In the depression group you will be informed in detail about the disease, possible causes and conditions of origin of depressive disorders as well as different methods of treatment. In addition patients are informed about how they can contribute to a long-term stabilization (eg construction, enjoyable activities and social contacts, stopping negative thoughts circles and correcting mental fallacies) or what to do in case of deteriorating symptoms (eg creating an individual emergency plan). The depression group also offers the possibility of a common share experiences with fellow patients.
Enjoyment training
Participatory training is a cognitive-behavioral treatment approach to building positive experience and action. It is based on the assumption that health and illness are not mutually exclusive states, but certainly can coexist. Pleasant impressions and experiences help the health and well-being to maintain or regain, which may be lost due to life events or stresses. Participatory training takes place once a week and is run by a nursing assistant.
It focuses on the five senses: hearing, touch, taste, smell, sight. A sense is specially trained in each session, experimented with this on the basis of materials or observations. This takes place in a relaxed atmosphere in a small group.
Music therapy
Music therapy is one of the oldest healing arts. In today's music therapy the old knowledge is combined with modern knowledge of psychotherapy. During the music therapy process, access to hidden emotions and experiences is made possible, which can be brought to express nonverbal expression. Accompanying discussions help to understand the symbolic power of the music and the experience and integrate. A connection between thinking, feeling and action is created. Our own perceptions change and new perspectives occur. At the same time it is believed that the communicative skills are in active creative process, they become reinvigorated, awakened and the creativity and vitality is discovered again. This experience strengthens the personality, so that their own needs can be better perceived and represented, and there are new ways in dealing with conflicts.
Art Therapy
Art therapy is a non-verbal, artistic activity which allows a conscious access to the patients own relationships and feelings. It constitutes therefore a counter-weight to the other therapy forms which are more intellectually dominated. Art therapy provides a spontaneous and playful - sometimes shy, sometimes forcefully - possibility to auto expression without pressure and perfectionism. In this way, there is a personal, individual artistic expression of one's physical as well as mental condition: illness and personal circumstances, crucial life questions related fears, doubts, desires, etc., as well as hidden qualities find their reflection in a neutral Opposite, are visible in a picture in theme, form and color, in the form of a plastic or even in a processed soapstone. In a second step, relevant topics are then taken up and elaborated on concrete motive under therapeutic guidance. Also in the plastic range entirely new impressions can be stimulated in the patient by trying very specific techniques and / or form elements. In this interplay of impression and expression in artistic activity the patient is encouraged to actively participate in his therapy process. So the art therapy may contribute to a more creative approach to the disease and may create a new self-image. This allows healing processes on a physical and an emotional level.
Body psychotherapy and movement therapy
The Concentrative movement therapy (KBT) is a psychodynamic psychotherapy method. Since early childhood body experiences are associated with feelings that are stored in a "body memory bank" in the body. How do we keep ourselves and behave is influenced by our life experiences. And so is someone who can stand up for themselves and the ground underfoot feel, behave differently in stress and conflict situations, as someone whose way of life is shaped by the experience, "I cannot stand".
The KBT provides access to the entire body and soul, by encouraging the attentive, individualized perception of the body and its movements. It allows so awareness solidified attitudes and constrictions. Retained feelings have a chance to be accessible again and to come up for discussion.
The KBT provides stabilizing, supportive, but also challenging, new body experiences in a protected space and entrustment. A variety of experience materials (eg balls, rods, spheres etc.) are used besides items from solvents and relaxation techniques, dance therapy and the health-promoting Qigong.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
The progressive muscle relaxation according to Edmund Jacobsen is a procedure which focuses on the deliberate and conscious tensing and relaxing of specific muscle groups to induce a state of deep relaxation of the whole body. Progressive muscle relaxation is easy to learn. The patient is given by the instructor concrete instructions and is led to relaxation reactions. After the meetings with systematic practicing the relaxation-promoting instructions of the therapist, it makes sense to continue to practice with the help of CDs alone. The outlasting therapeutic effect depends crucially on the regular use in everyday life. Through exercise a better body awareness is achieved, tensions can be identified and resolved.
The method is used in the clinic as a treatment component as part of the overall treatment program. They will accompany therapy used in disorders that are characterized by excessive tension and anxiety reactions. These include anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, sleep disorders, migraine and tension headaches, back pain, fibromyalgia, hypertension, muscle tension, gastrointestinal disorders and chronic tinnitus. The process helps to break the vicious circle of pain, tension and indisposition.
Patients who are affected by cancer, in the course of diagnosis and treatment have experiences that can temporarily overwhelm them. Psycho-oncological assistance may support the coping, reduce anxiety and depression and improve quality of life. When the body is sick and burdensome and lengthy treatments are necessary, often suffers the soul. In some cases even inpatient treatment of cancer patients can be useful. The close networking of Psychosomatic Medicine and Oncology by psycho-oncology allows if necessary a rapid absorption and continuous follow-up.
Pain group
Patients with chronic pain disease or chronic pain usually participate in the weekly pain group. This group is based on tried pain protocols to establish correlations between the intensity of pain and the feelings, the thoughts and the environment of the patient. The interaction between chronic pain and the psychological experience and behavior of the person will be explained as well as. At the same time in this group psychotherapeutic ways of coping and dealing with chronic pain are practiced and discussed.
Social skills training
The social skills training focuses on the following topics: enforcing the own rights, relationship building and more confident dealing with the disease. In addition to imparting theoretical background the training focuses mainly on practicing everyday situations using role-play. This can be addressed individually in accordance with the current needs and problems of the patients. The patients are encouraged to implement the proven skills in everyday life and in the stress situations.
Sport and exercise therapy
The objectives of sport and exercise therapy are: the development of perception (this includes body image, self-perception and the perception of social processes) the development of the ability to relax for correction, regulation, and normalization of psychophysical tension processes, the development of personal and social act and action skills to rebuild and stabilize the personality, as well as to improve the ability of the group; improve sport motor movement skills and physical performance.
The hospital has full training authorization for conducting residency training in Psychosomatic Medicine. The form of work required is full time. For the balance between personal and professional life you benefit of 29 days of leave/year.
Ideal candidate:
- Graduate from a Medical School within the European Union + Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Iceland.
- Required German language level: C1
- Capable of handling MS-Office
- Conceptual and analytical thinking and way of working
- Enjoys personal contact with patients
- Has good team-work and communication skills
Benefits if you choose to collaborate with EGV:
- We will offer access to hundreds of jobs across hospitals and clinics endowed with professional and modern equipment
- We will search for job opportunities according to your profile
- We will pay for your accommodation during the interviews
- We will offer advice when it comes to signing the contract
- We will look for a home and/or kindergarten for your children
- We will handle the Approbation forms so you can start work as soon as possible.
EGV is a leading healthcare recruitment agency operating in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Croatia. We are specialized in tailor made and efficient physician recruitment services.
We focus on identifying the personal and professional aims of each candidate and have the main goal of finding the right job from a wide range of job-offers available. Candidates and clients appreciate our prompt and reliable services.
We would be delighted to show you that we are committed to our motto:
“Professionalism, promptitude and professional development “
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